Scrapbook Page for James Gordon Revette

James Gordon Revette (1986)

Photo from Stan R Lee

Kate (Potter) Gifford Revette holding infant, James Gordon Revette

Picture of Kate (Potter) Gifford Revette holding infant, James Gordon Revette.~~ Photo from Stan R Lee

James Gordon Revette and Living, with Ben L. Turner

James Gordon Revette and Living, with Ben L. Turner at a Tacoma family reunion.~~ Photo from Stan R Lee

The James Gordon Revettes at 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration in 1986

Taken at their 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration in 1986 at the Tacoma Yachet Club. ~~ Photo from Stan R Lee

Douglas James Revette and Son, James Gordon Revette

Douglas James Revette and son, James Gordon Revette. Taken on the east shores of Lake Washington (what is now the Bellevue, WA side of the lake). Photo is courtesy of Virginia Connors.

Jack Sr, Jack Jr, Amy Greenlaw and Gordon Revette

Photo from Stan R Lee

James Gordon Revette

Photo from Stan R Lee

Gordon Revette in England

Photo from Stan R Lee